Before we help someone spiritually, we first ensure their material needs are met.
Supporting the underprivileged of our community is at the heart of our work at Jewish Rostov.
By providing much-needed food, clothing, shelter, and personalized assistance—while ensuring each recipient is treated with love, dignity, and acceptance—we fulfill our mission to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of every individual.

Meals on Wheels
For homebound individuals facing hunger, poverty, and isolation, our Meals on Wheels program discreetly delivers nutritious food packages daily, throughout the year.

Kindness Store
Once a month, cash-strapped families can stock up on free food and other basic necessities in a dignified way, provided by our synagogue’s community food pantry.
We distribute produce, meat and fish, pasta and rice, and many other staples to ensure that no parent or child ever goes hungry.

Clothing Distribution
Struggling individuals and families are eligible to receive two $100 gift cards every six months through our clothing distribution program so they can prepare adequately for the winter and summer seasons.
These gift cards are redeemable at a variety of clothing retail stores and specialty shops, allowing them to shop with dignity.

Soup Kitchen
Our soup kitchen serves hot meals every day to needy elders who are able to commute to the Synagogue. For those who are homebound, we deliver holiday food packages and make home visits.
“I don’t know what we would do without the monthly packages we get. They literally put food on our table! And my kids are proud to come to school in beautiful clothing."
—Natasha K, 32