Visit Us
Meet the people. Tour the landmarks. Feel the love.
If you’ve been inspired by our community, we invite you to come and discover the history, visit the landmarks, and feel the vibrancy of our beautiful city. We’d be happy to arrange a full itinerary for you or your group. We look forward to greeting you!

The Rebbe Rashab's Ohel
The Rebbe Rashab's Ohel
The Rebbe Rashab, the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, has a lasting bond with our community. His resting place, known as "The Ohel," is located in the historic Jewish cemetery of Rostov. An auspicious place to pray, it attracts hundreds of visitors throughout the year.
Write a letter
If you wish to submit a letter—called a pidyon nefesh, abbreviated as pan (pronounced “pahn”)—to be placed at the Ohel, it can be sent to: rostovrabbi@gmail.com.
Sponsor the kindling of the Ner Tamid
Throughout the year, a Ner Tamid—an olive oil candle that remains lit 24/7—is maintained near the gravesite. By sponsoring the Ner Tamid, you support the upkeep and maintenance costs of the Ohel. Choose a Yahrzeit date, and select to dedicate the flame each year on this date. Each kindling of the Ner Tamid lasts for five days.
Rostov Holocaust Memorial
Rostov Holocaust Memorial at Zmiyovskaya Balka
Zmievskaya Balka is a site in Rostov-on-Don, Russia at which 27,000 Jews were massacred by the SS Einsatzgruppe D on August 11 and 12, 1942.
The Jewish men of Rostov were marched to Zmiyovskaya Balka, a ravine outside the city, and shot. The women, children and elderly were gassed in trucks, and their bodies buried in the same ravine. Among those murdered at Zmiyovskaya Balka was the pioneering psychologist Sabina Spielrein.
Zmiyovskaya Balka, which means "the ravine of the snakes", has become the site of annual memorial ceremonies.
Work is underway to collect the names of all victims killed at Zmievskaya Balka. So far, over 3,000 names were complied, if you know of people who were murdered there, please contact us so they can be added to the list. rostovrabbi@gmail.com.
The Cantonist Synagogue
Visit the heart of our community.
Built in 1874, the Cantonist Synagogue is currently the only active synagogue in Rostov. Our synagogue holds daily prayer services, Shabbat services and community meals.
The synagogue also hosts our humanitarian efforts, our youth club, our soup kitchen and other community offices and services.
Ohr Avner Jewish Day School
Ohr Avner Jewish Day School is located in a historic landmark that originally housed a forbidden Talmud Torah—it was ultimately seized during the communist era.
The building was returned to our community 15 years ago by the government, and has been the location of our flourishing day school ever since. Come enjoy a warm welcome from the children of Rostov.
Historical Jewish Sites
Visit holy sites around Rostov, including the Rebbe Rashab's House, the oldest Chabad Mikvah in the world, ancient synagogues, and the Jewish cemetery.

Moscow and St. Petersburg
Want to get the most out of your visit to Rostov by touring other cities in Southern Russia?
It’s our pleasure to facilitate a visit for our guests to popular tourist attractions in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Reach out to rostovrabbi@gmail.com for details.
Planning a visit to Rostov? Reach out!
We'd be thrilled to help you plan your itinerary.
Rostov is located in southern Russia and is easily accessible via direct flights from Moscow, Tel Aviv and Istanbul.